Name: python-wsgidav Version: 4.3.0 Release: %autorelease Summary: Generic and extendable WebDAV server based on WSGI # The entire source is (SPDX) MIT, except tests/, which is # Apache-2.0 (but does not contribute to the licenses of the binary RPMs). License: MIT URL: # The GitHub source includes a few ancillary files that the PyPI sdist lacks; # for example, it contains tox.ini, which defined the test dependencies. Source0: %{url}/archive/v%{version}/wsgidav-%{version}.tar.gz # Man page hand-written for Fedora in groff_man(7) format based on --help Source1: wsgidav.1 BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: python3-devel %global common_description %{expand: A generic and extendable WebDAV server written in Python and based on WSGI. Main features: • WsgiDAV is a stand-alone WebDAV server with SSL support, that can be installed and run as Python command line script. • The python-pam library is needed as extra requirement if pam-login authentication is used on Linux or OSX. • WebDAV is a superset of HTTP, so WsgiDAV is also a performant, multi-threaded web server with SSL support. • WsgiDAV is also a Python library that implements the WSGI protocol and can be run behind any WSGI compliant web server. • WsgiDAV is implemented as a configurable stack of WSGI middleware applications. Its open architecture allows to extend the functionality and integrate WebDAV services into your project. Typical use cases are: • Expose data structures as virtual, editable file systems. • Allow online editing of MS Office documents.} %description %{common_description} %package -n python3-wsgidav Summary: %{summary} %description -n python3-wsgidav %{common_description} %pyproject_extras_subpkg -n python3-wsgidav pam %prep %autosetup -n wsgidav-%{version} # # - pytest-cov is a coverage tool # # - pytest-cov is not packaged, and is only used for generating reports sed -r -i 's/^([[:blank:]]*)(pytest-(cov|html)\b)/\1# \2/' tox.ini %generate_buildrequires %pyproject_buildrequires -x pam -t %build %pyproject_wheel %install %pyproject_install %pyproject_save_files -l wsgidav # is installed into the virtualenv or prefix root directory # rm '%{buildroot}%{_prefix}/' install -t '%{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1' -D -p -m 0644 '%{SOURCE1}' %check # While tox.ini is useful for generating test dependencies, it also attempts to # pip-install pytest-html. Rather than patching this out (and patching out the # pytest arguments related to pytest-cov and pytest-html), we just run pytest # directly. %pytest -ra -v -x %files -n python3-wsgidav -f %{pyproject_files} %doc %doc %{_bindir}/wsgidav %{_mandir}/man1/wsgidav.1* %changelog %autochangelog